Unerhörte Orte is a 30 minutes site-specific music intervention for the Großer Burstah entrance
of the Rödingsmarkt metro station in Hamburg. This intervention can be described as a
structured improvisation for open instrumentation, in which each musician improvises based on
a set of musical gestures notated on a graphic score. Distinctive of Unerhörte Orte is that the
musical gestures are directly related to characteristic elements of the public space in which the
intervention takes place (for example, the arrival or departure of the train at the station). The
musicians react in real time to the events occurring around them during the performance.
Unerhörte Orte was premiered on a hot and sunny Friday within the frame of Blurred Edges,
festival for contemporary music in Hamburg.
With: César Cabañero, Horn;Joke Flecijin, Cello;Luzia Vieira, Double bass; ensemble TonArt
(Michael E. Haase, Banjo; Georgia Hoppe, Saxophone; Thomas Niese, Double bass; Thomas
Österheld, Clarinet; Krischa Weber, Cello).
Fotos: ©Jelena Dabic